Metaline Falls, WA, USA
The private pilot was landing on a remote, snow-covered, seasonal airstrip that was closed. He reported that when the airplane touched down, the nose gear broke through the 5-6 inches of crusted snow on the runway and the airplane nosed over. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the vertical stabilizer and wings. The pilot reported no pre-accident mechanical failures or malfunctions with the airplane. The Federal Aviation Administration Airport Facility Directory entry for the airport noted that the airport was unattended and closed from October 1 through June 1 each year.
The private pilot was landing a wheel-equipped airplane on a remote, snow-covered, seasonal airstrip that was closed. He reported that when the airplane touched down, the nose gear broke through the 5-6 inches of crusted snow on the runway and the airplane nosed over. The airplane sustained substantial damage to the vertical stabilizer and wings. The pilot reported no pre-accident mechanical failures or malfunctions with the airplane. The FAA Airport Facility Directory entry for the airport noted that the airport was unattended and closed from October 1 through June 1 each year.
The pilot's decision to land on a closed, snow-covered runway.
Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database
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