Aviation Accident Summaries

Aviation Accident Summary ERA15LA357

Wilmington, NC, USA

Aircraft #1




The pilot private reported that he filled each of the fuel tanks and loaded the six seat, single-engine airplane with four occupants and baggage before attempting to depart on the cross-country personal flight. During the attempted takeoff, the airplane's nose pitched abruptly upward and turned left. The pilot continued the takeoff as the airplane departed the runway surface. The airplane then bounced several times, entered an aerodynamic stall, and subsequently struck the airport perimeter fence, which resulted in substantial damage to the airframe. After the accident, the pilot was unable to precisely account for the airplane's loading; an estimated calculation indicated that the airplane's total weight was well above, and that its center of gravity (CG) was well aft of, those specified by the airframe manufacturer and the provider of the aftermarket fuel tanks with which the airplane was equipped. Additionally, the elevator pitch trim was found set to a position that would have increased the airplane's tendency to pitch up, especially given its high weight and aft-located CG. The airplane's sudden pitch up during the takeoff roll was likely due to its improper loading and trim configuration, and its lateral departure (left turn) from the intended takeoff path was likely due to a known performance phenomena associated with single-engine airplanes operating at high power and low airspeed at takeoff.

Factual Information

On September 4, 2015, about 1050 eastern daylight time, a Beech V35B, N789WF, was substantially damaged from collision with terrain and an airport perimeter fence during takeoff from Wilmington International Airport (ILM), Wilmington, North Carolina. The pilot and 2 passengers were not injured, and one passenger sustained a minor injury. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and an instrument flight rules flight plan was filed for the personal flight, which was destined for Gainesville Regional Airport (GNV), Gainesville, Florida and conducted under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91.In a telephone interview with a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) safety inspector, the manager of the ILM air traffic control tower said his attention was drawn to the airplane after it had commenced its takeoff roll from runway 06. When the airplane reached the intersection of runways 06 and 35, the nose wheel and right main landing gear lifted from the ground and the airplane immediately turned to its left. The airplane bounced 3 or 4 times across the infield north of the intersection before it collided with the airport perimeter fence approximately 2,000 feet beyond where it departed the runway, and 1,000 feet left of the runway centerline. The pilot provided written statements and a telephone interview to the FAA inspector, and stated the airplane began its takeoff roll from runway 06 at the intersection of taxiway Juliet. He said when the airplane reached its rotation speed of 73 knots and lifted from the runway, "the nose abruptly went up past 10 degrees" and the airplane "shuddered rather quickly" as it veered to the left. The pilot attempted to maintain directional control, but the airplane continued to the left. The pilot said that at 30 feet above the ground, he felt the airplane had "lost some power" and "was stalling" before it struck the ground and came to rest against the airport perimeter fence. The passenger seated directly behind the pilot provided a written statement. He said, "The plane seemed to take off as normal, and then [approximately] 30-40 ft. off the ground the plane seemed to lose momentum and a horn or buzzer came on." When asked, the pilot stated that the airplane was full of fuel, but he and his passengers had no luggage. In a written statement, the pilot reported there were a "couple of suitcases" in the baggage area. He also reported that he had performed "quick" weight and balance calculations prior to departure and that the airplane was "okay." The pilot was asked multiple times to provide his weight and balance figures as well as other documentation, but has provided none to date. The pilot held a private pilot certificate with ratings for airplane single engine land and instrument airplane. His most recent FAA third-class medical certificate was issued July 22, 2015. The pilot reported 397 total hours of flight experience, of which 34 hours were in the accident airplane make and model. The single-engine, low-wing, retractable landing gear, 6-place airplane was manufactured in 1976, and equipped with a Continental Motors 285-horsepower reciprocating engine. It was equipped with Brittain wingtip-mounted auxiliary fuel tanks. With empty wingtip fuel tanks, the maximum allowable gross weight was 3,400 pounds, and the center-of-gravity (cg) range was between 82.1 and 84.4 inches aft of datum at maximum gross weight. With full wingtip tanks, the maximum allowable gross weight was 3,600 pounds, and the center-of-gravity (cg) range was reduced to between 82.1 and 83.8 inches aft of datum at that weight. The manufacturer's recommended elevator trim setting at takeoff was zero degrees (neutral). According to the airplane's maintenance records, the most recent annual inspection was completed on May 31, 2015, at 5,745 total aircraft hours. The wreckage was examined at the accident site by FAA inspectors and all major components were accounted for at the scene. The airplane came to rest upright on its two main landing gear and the nose of the airplane, as the nose landing gear had separated. The tail section, minus the tailcone, rested on the airport perimeter fence. The tailcone was located about 500 feet prior to the main wreckage. Examination of photographs taken by airport operations immediately after the accident revealed substantial damage to the wings and the fuselage at the wing attach points. Elevator trim was set at 6 degrees nose-up. The photographs also depicted the pilot standing among several full-sized roll aboard and duffel-styled suitcases. According to the airport manager's statement, there were 6 suitcases off-loaded from the airplane after the accident. An estimated weight and balance condition of the airplane was calculated utilizing the airplane's delivery documents (Aircraft Basic Empty Weight and Balance form), full main fuel tanks, 4 occupants at 200 pounds each, and 100 pounds of luggage. The airplane's calculated weight at takeoff was 3,737.7 pounds, and the cg was 86.24 inches aft of datum. With full wingtip fuel tanks, the airplane's calculated weight at takeoff was 3,937.7 pounds, and the cg was 85.66 inches aft of datum. According to FAA Advisory Circular AC-61-23C, Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge: "The effect of torque increases in direct proportion to engine power, airspeed, and airplane attitude. If the power setting is high, the airspeed slow, and the angle of attack high, the effect of torque is greater. During takeoffs and climbs, when the effect of torque is most pronounced, the pilot must apply sufficient right rudder pressure to counteract the left-turning tendency and maintain a straight takeoff path." According to the FAA Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook According to the FAA's Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1A), there are many factors that lead to efficient and safe operation of aircraft. Among these factors is proper weight and balance control. The weight and balance system commonly employed among aircraft consists of three equally important elements: the weighing of the aircraft, the maintaining of the weight and balance records, and the proper loading of the aircraft. An inaccuracy in any one of these elements nullifies the purpose of the whole system. The final loading calculations will be meaningless if either the aircraft has been improperly weighed, or the records contain an error. Improper loading cuts down the efficiency of an aircraft from the standpoint of altitude, maneuverability, rate of climb, and speed. It may even be the cause of failure to complete the flight, or for that matter, failure to start the flight. Because of abnormal stresses placed upon the structure of an improperly loaded aircraft, or because of changed flying characteristics of the aircraft, loss of life and destruction of valuable equipment may result. The responsibility for proper weight and balance control begins with the engineers and designers, and extends to the aircraft mechanics that maintain the aircraft and the pilots who operate them. The ideal location of the center of gravity (CG) was very carefully determined by the designers, and the maximum deviation allowed from this specific location was calculated. The pilot in command of the aircraft has the responsibility on every flight to know the maximum allowable weight of the aircraft and its CG limits. This allows the pilot to determine on the preflight inspection that the aircraft is loaded in such a way that the CG is within the allowable limits. Balance control (location of the CG of an aircraft) is of primary importance to aircraft stability, which determines safety in flight. The CG is the point at which the total weight of the aircraft is assumed to be concentrated, and the CG must be located within specific limits for safe flight. Both lateral and longitudinal balance are important, but the prime concern is longitudinal balance; that is, the location of the CG along the longitudinal or lengthwise axis. As long as the CG is maintained within the allowable limits for its weight, the airplane will have adequate longitudinal stability and control. If the CG is too far aft, it will be too near the center of lift and the airplane will be unstable, and difficult to recover from a stall. If the unstable airplane should ever enter a spin, the spin could become flat and recovery would be difficult or impossible.

Probable Cause and Findings

The pilot's improper loading of the airplane, which resulted in a sudden pitch up during the attempted takeoff, the pilot’s subsequent loss of directional control, and an aerodynamic stall.


Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database

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