Aviation Accident Summaries

Aviation Accident Summary ERA16WA037

Aircraft #1



Factual Information

On November 10, 2015, at 2030 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), a Cessna 650 Citation VII, Brazilian registration PT-WQH, operated by a private owner, was destroyed following an in-flight loss of control and collision with terrain near Guarda-mor municipality, Brazil. The flight originated at Brasilia, Brazil (SBBR) and was destined for Sao Paulo, Brazil (SBSP). Two crewmembers and two passengers were fatally injured. The investigation is under the jurisdiction of the government of Brazil. Further information can be obtained from: Aeronautical Accident Prevention and Investigation Center Investigation Division SHIS QI 05 - Área Especial 12 - VI COMAR - Lago Sul Brasília - DF CEP 71.615-600 Telephone: +55 61 3364-8812 E-mail: international@cenipa.aer.mil.br This report is for informational purposes and contains only information released by the Government of Brazil.


Source: NTSB Aviation Accident Database

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